Garden & Reef – Fabrication

Origami The origami models were folded by Faye Goldman, Li-Mei Lim and Samantha Pezzimenti.  Read also Origami in Mathemalchemy and Cootie Catcher Fortune Tellers by Faye. Videos and references See the whole process on this Instagram post made by Li-Mei. For more references The negative curvature patchwork quilt was sewn by Daina. Garden sculpture The GardenContinue reading “Garden & Reef – Fabrication”

Knotical – Through the Mathemalchemy Looking Glass

The turbhoversailboat is back in Knotilus Bay again. The engineer was not wholly displeased with the performance of the new turbine-sails, but as he walked away one could hear him mutter about maybe another round of modeling. Oblivious to his concerns, the two Fish[H]erons that make up the crew have settled in for a niceContinue reading “Knotical – Through the Mathemalchemy Looking Glass”

Garden – Through the Mathemalchemy Looking Glass

If you go to the park in Mathemalchemy today, then you are in for a big surprise! Because today’s the day the squirrels have their picnic. The little chipmunks and squirrels had a lovely time, with lots of marvelous things to eat and wonderful games to play. They have been gadding about gaily in theContinue reading “Garden – Through the Mathemalchemy Looking Glass”

Garden – Mathematical Connections

The young chipmunks engage in play, sorting primes on a grid playground using acorns to explore factors, while holding clay tablets with Babylonian cuneiform numerals. They discover which numerals are prime and which are composite through brute force with their limited tools: for each number they count out exactly that many acorns and then seeContinue reading “Garden – Mathematical Connections”