Great Doodle Page – Fabrication

Designing the Great Doodle Page Fabricating the Great Doodle Page was a collaboration between Dominique Ehrmann and Ingrid Daubechies. The shape of the Page was already determined (as the reverse of the Cryptography Quilt, which was designed and fabricated earlier) before detailed fabrication began.  Dominique first produced a design for the border, which was thenContinue reading “Great Doodle Page – Fabrication”

Bakery – Fabrication

The Bakery was a component of the installation that was proposed fairly early on. Its original blueprint was drawn by Dominique Ehrmann; it was later slightly adapted by Edmund Harriss, to bring angles in more complete harmony with pentagonal symmetry. It was built out of wood by Edmund and Gavin Smith. The design of theContinue reading “Bakery – Fabrication”